Christingle fun on Christmas Eve and creating the nativity scene

Many years of organising the Christingle service and the team have it all down to a fine art!
Preparing for our Christingle service on Christmas Eve

An array of nativity costumes for our Tots to choose from as we
re-told the story of Jesus born into the world.

Tregaminion beautifully decorated for our Carol service. We created a long paper chain and it is now adorning the doorway at St Andrew's ready to welcome visitors to our upcoming services.

With our friends from Well Street Chapel and with our best Christmas jumpers on we enjoyed our first carol service of the year singing at Trecarrel this week.
Harvest Festival at Tregaminion

We enjoyed a wonderful harvest celebration at Tregaminion which was beautifully decorated. The harvest gifts were taken to Cornubia in Par and much appreciated.
The prayer tree enabled everyone to offer points of thanks and praise for the world.

Wonderful evening of musical entertainment at St Andrew's
The Drecklys

Beatnik Skiffle

Washaway Gallery Choir at Tregaminion in June

Washaway Gallery Choir played traditional gallery music with some traditional instruments giving us an insight into the way our predecessors were able to worship at Tregaminion with minstrels in the gallery.

Churchyard Cherry Tree
On Tuesday 9th April the relentless rain and high winds finally took their toll on our beautiful cherry tree and it toppled over. It is currently propped up in order to try and stabilise it so that it may continue to have a long term future. It is coned off for the safety of those passing through along the footpath. We are currently awaiting advice from Cornwall Council who are responsible for the grounds. Thank you to everyone who has offered support in this matter.

He is risen! Alleluia!

Celebrating the risen Lord Jesus on Easter Day at St Andrew's and Tregaminion

Good Friday
The Hour at the Cross
Mothering Sunday
Colossians 3: 12
Compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience

Thank you, Warren
On Sunday 31st December we said thank you to our Reader, Warren Nicholls as he stepped back from the many duties he has carried out over the last 41 years across our parishes.
Warren has preached and lead services in many churches locally and will be a familiar face to many. Warren is not retiring completely and we shall continue to see him in our churches.
A joyful Christingle celebration on Christmas Eve enabled the children to create our beautiful nativity scene. Everyone was able to bring something up - with many animals and stars completing the display - as we sang carols and re-told the story.

We have been celebrating Christmas and sharing the message of Christ's birth. Our churches have been lit with coloured lights, stars outside and candles gently shimmering inside as carols have been sung and the story of Jesus's birth re-told.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

With our friends from Well Street we enjoyed a lovely afternoon
Carol service at Trecarrel. We were treated to some lovely mince pies with cream after all the singing!

Thank you to everyone who supported our Holly Fayre
Lovely cakes, a fantastic
Christmas Hamper raffle, and some great Christmas bargains to be found!

Remembrance Sunday
with decorations by the flower team and the
Scouting Groups

Open Garden Sunday 20th August
Gardens Cottage, Prideaux

Visitors and friends, new and old, enjoyed a wonderful afternoon at Gardens Cottage on a sunny afternoon after all the wind and rain of the previous few days. Afternoon tea in the peace and beauty of the gardens ensured a relaxing time for everyone who came along. Thanks to the hard work of the whole team and especial thanks to Sue and Roger Paine for hosting the event we raised just over £800 for St Andrew's church funds.
Baptism at Tregaminion
It was lovely to welcome friends and family to Tregaminion as we celebrated the Baptism of Albie and Ezra on Sunday.

Open the Book at Tywardreath School
The Open the Book Team were delighted to re-start their regular visits to Tywardreath School after the half term break. The first visit was a re-telling of Noah and the flood complete with a dove that rose up from the Ark!

On Sunday 7th May we celebrated the coronation at a special service in St Andrew's with our friends from Well Street chapel and planted a King Charles III Coronation Rose.
Our coronation Community Big Lunch barbecue was blessed by dry, and sometimes even sunny, weather!
We enjoyed a delightful evening in St Andrew's church with barbershop singing group Cornish Connection

Easter Sunday in St Andrew's

Easter prayers for those we love placed on our Easter tree.
The Easter cross celebrating our risen Lord Jesus. Alleluia!